craigslist sf | craigslist San Francisco. Craigslist sf is local search engine for jobs, housing, for sale, services, community, and events listings.
Craigslist sf can be complicated to understand. The many categories and subcategories on the craigslist sf site make it challenging for you to find what you need. So, we have created this craigslist sf guide to help you get what you need. It is updated frequently to give you the most valid listings from craigslist sf site.
It’s long been a favorite of many Craigslist users. It’s the “San Francisco” category, where people can post ads related to all sorts of goings-on in the hyper-expensive city. The category also has its share of oddities. In 2014, there were 3,610 ads for pet pigs. A goat once sold for $2,200. And a 1982 Porsche sold for $60,000.